Sunday, 31 May 2009
Still hot!
Friday, 29 May 2009
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Gentle week
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Tower Ridge with Davy and Heather
A healthy breeze was drying the rock nicely until we reached the Eastern Traverse where it rained a little. The thin slushy snow of Friday was gone leaving some really firm ice and snow (but a little less overall cover than 2 days ago). We crossed Tower Gap as the wind picked up a little and were glad we'd taken an axe and crampons to make the last slope straightforward.
On the way down we passed the hoards heading blindly for the summit, many looking quite poorly prepared for the winter conditions that still exist on the plateau.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Tower Ridge in spring condition
If you are planning to go on the Ridge in the immediate future I would take and axe and quite possibly crampons. That last slope will be very icey as the fresh snow strips off in a thaw. The pics above are (from top: the last 50m to the plateau, looking back across the Gap to the Great Tower, The Eastern Traverse, the lower part of the Ridge from the CIC hut). Oh, and I made it home for lunch :-)