Wednesday, 14 April 2010

End of winter.... not today!

Ian and I walked into Ben Nevis this morning and finally we've had a good frost. Ice on the path meant we could expect firmer snow higher up but we were after a fairly relaxed day so we opted for Tower Ridge. Sunshine, good snow and ice more sunshine, no crowds, thermals and soft shell gillets and sunshine summarised our route. We spoke to a team coming down the ridge who had enjoyed North East Buttress (rock only on the man trap, a little ice on the 40ft corner) and watched a pair carefully working their way up Psychedilic Wall (plenty of ice coming down). Rich was also out on Green Gully and will probably post something on his blog later.

I've finally taken the plunge and put a work Facebook page up so if you are a big FB user and want to keep up to date with conditions and what I'm up to then you can be my friend on ClimbWhenYoureReady Mountaineering's Facebook Page.


  1. Using Mumford and Sons now i see? loving it!

  2. Yes mate, hope you are working and partying hard and enjoying the sun!
