Saturday, 1 September 2012

TLA Seminar

 George on his prayer mat on edge protection
Discussing appropriate problems at a blustery Kingussie Crag
Today was the MTS (Mountain Training Scotland) SPA (Single Pitch Award), CWA (Climbing Wall Award) and CWLA (Climbing Wall Leading Award) providers seminar. We were based at Glenmore Lodge where just over a dozen Instructors involved in the delivery of the awards gathered to share ideas. The day began with George's introductions and a few words on the new CMS (Candidate Management System). Then I led a discussion on how we train and assess problem solving at CWA followed by another chat on teaching use of belay devices. We wound up the morning talking about how much time we spend on coaching climbing movement during the training, how we can assess it and where the BMC/MCofS FUNdamentals day fits in.
Lunch was on the move and we were soon at Kingussie Crag where Jon headed up an afternoon session on candidates/SPAs protecting themselves close to the crag edge. George talked a bit about protecting the rope and the crag with edge protection and we wound up with a discussion about what are appropriate problems to discuss at SPA and what might be beyond the award.
Is that enough TLAs (Three Letter Abbreviations) for you?


  1. Hi Alan,

    Interesting to read your blog entry. I am an SPA trainee and am looking at consildation before assessment. The abseil rescue is something that is of an issue for me. It was discussed on training but we didnt do it practically. Will I be expected to demonstrate it at assessment or is it like some aspects of the summer ML ( ie river crossing with a rope) assessed through discussion?
    Hope you can help.
    Albert Hinton

  2. Hi Albert drop me an email at and I'll give you a ruler explanation. Al
