Saturday, 1 December 2012

Grafting on Golden Oldy

Out for day 2 with Frank and we went for a leg stretch. The Gondola is not open to the general public at the moment (its the annual maintenance period although the BAIML Conference looked to have caught it up to look at some snow shoeing from the tracks we saw higher up) so it was a walk from the woods for us. The showers we had felt at the end of yesterday on Ben Nevis had continued all night to deposit lots of deep snow on the West face of Aonach Mor for us to wade through to get to Golden Oldy. The mountaineering was grand once dug out from its deep blanket and the views were great until we topped out. This gave me a chance to demonstrate a couple of legs of poor vis. nav to get a justifiably weary Frank back down. A hard day but we kept it within daylight hours!
 Flogging in
 On route
 Long way up, long way to go
 Weary but happy
 Still going
 Not there yet but great views
Last bit to the top and no views at all

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