Monday, 19 January 2015

Bluebird day on the Aonach Eagach

Claire has had it on her ticklish for a while… I knew there would be unconsolidated snow around but was hoping that weekend travel would have left something of a broken trail. The weather said 'YES'!
A bit of trail breaking on a drifted in path (fortunately Jamie B was shadowing me and took his turn) but cold, clear and stunning!
 A rosey dawn
 Higher still
 Someone looks happy
Leg rest for a moment
 Anyone would think she was enjoying herself?
 On a ledge
 Past the first difficulties… bring it!
 On the rope
 Warm work
 Going down
 Using the ground
 Stering the pinnacles
 First pinnacle
 Second pinnacle
 Into the west
 Looking back
 Avoiding a powdery downclimb
 Twinkletoes shows us the way
 Weary but happy
The soloist who overtook us heading to the end of the ridge.

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