Sunday 21 September 2008

A hat trick?

Tower Ridge for a third day running and a different day again. It started a little brighter but by the time Eddie and I made it to the top the mist was as dense as I've ever seen it on the Ben. For a first time mountaineer Eddie did well to overcome a few nerves about exposure and we had a good day of it. After 3 days coming down the pony track I'm (or at least my knees are) looking forward to a day in the office!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I bet your knees are pleading for a day off! The perils of professional outdoor work. Ever thought of putting fixed rope on Tower Ridge.... :-)

  3. There is so much tat at the block (and someone has left a 'hand rail' hanging down into the gap in the last week) that it hardly needs any more fixed rope. Add in the fact that I often take stuck nuts out too and it can feel like a sport route :-)
