Tuesday 16 June 2009

Ardgour and Knoydart

I've been away for 4 days shadowing a Duke of edinburgh Expedition for The Gaslgow Academy. Their route was great taking them from the Corran Ferry to Inverie on the Knoydart peninsula. My role was to keep an eye on the group from a distance letting them do as much for themself as possible whilst providing input where needed.
Starting up the Cona Glen in hot sultry weather we were 'forced' to stop for a swim in the great pools high up the valley. The group reminded themslves of how the tents worked and enjoyed the early evening breeze.....
........ that was absent the next morning. This meant that they packed and legged it to higher (breezier) ground for a (relatively) midge free breakfast. Passing Glenfinnan for lunchtime they pressed on to the head of a bealach for a nice breezy camp.
The following day saw them traversing a warm and humid Glen Pean, Glen Dessary and dropping down to camp near Sourlies. I took a couple of the many opportunities for a little bouldering/soloing whilst waiting for the group in these remote and lovely Glens. There were plenty of deer near the campsite - down at the coast grazing on the short turf. In the evening I introduced the group to pignuts, tormentil, lousewort and wilkwort and talked about the effects of dehydration on performance.
Today the team opted for an early start; up at 5, away at 6.15. They crossed the rickety bridge at Carnoch and made the steep pull up the pass above. I watched from the ridge of Meall Buidhe above. From there it was all downhill for an early arrival at Inverie and a pub lunch in The Old Forge whilst waiting for the rib to come and take us back to Mallaig.
A grand walk and a fit and well bonded team. I had relatively little to do and spent a lot of time admiring the wildlife and botanising at a distance from them as they negotiated the wild land themselves.


  1. All the better to climb all over you... sorry I mean it.... :-)

  2. Great pics Alan, glad the group had a good climb. Jackie at the Old Forge Knoydart
