Sunday, 24 January 2010

Final day with Julian and James

The last day of Julian and James' introduction to the steeper side of winter. They've progressed rapidly with a solo of Ledge Route, a rapid ascent of Tower Ridge and today was spent on the ice around the CIC hut- initially following me and then leading some easier pitches on the Ciste burn. We ended the day with an abseil from an ice thread.
Fine weather but less teams around today. Speaking to those who did Point 5 yesterday and another team on Green Gully today confirms what we saw on Tower Ridge yesterday. The snow ice higher up is mostly good for climbing but too poor for good screws and obscuring all of the rock gear. Plenty of ice still to go at though.
Time for me to migrate east for a week. i'm writing this at Glenmore Lodge where I'm working until friday.

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