Sunday, 23 May 2010

Raven Crag...

... in Combe Ghyll. Day 3 of the Auchincruive College Rock trip and we were back to the same valley but this time heading further in. The team were operating in pairs and all climbed the classic Corvus (Diff) and/or Raven Crag Buttress (Vdiff). I soloed Corvus as Callum and Rachael led it and then we popped down for Cal to second me up both Slug Thug (short lived HVS5a) and Wrinkle (VS 5a). A sociable day as we sunbathed and chatted with other folk on the crag. After last nights bouldering until after 9pm we headed back to the campsite a little earlier and I worked through some climbing problem solving ropework with Neil in preparation for his upcoming MIA Assessment. Another stunning day!

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