This is Koh e Iskander, a little over 5500m high and our first major summit of the trip...
... and me on the summit more than a little concerned about the descent
This is Neal looking for a way through the cornice on 'the Yaks back' on our way to Koh e Khat...
Koh e Khat means Peak of the donkey. We called it that because the summit was composed of 2 towers like donkeys' ears. Here Neal steps gingerly down between the first and second towers (naturally we only discovered the second one was higher after we climbed the first)...

And abseiling off of the higher tower...
And here he is on part of the steep 1000m descent to the valley below...
Thoughts of Jane and Sandy at home on Koh e Khat
As an aside those of you who know me may be aware that I don't drink tea or coffee- except when I have to. But on this trip I've consumed about 5000l of cher choi (milk tea) and choi sio (black tea) and not a little choi subzi (green tea) in the last month... and this pictures shows how most of it was brewed- yakpat power!
very well done sir and safe home
Welcome home and good effort Al, I'm sure it was an incredible experience. Would be good to hear more. Glad to see you've discovered the merits of tea!
It looks absolutely awesome - well done Al!! Can't wait to see more pics and find out more details about your adventure.
Thanks guys and its great to be home!
Sounds an amazing trip!Congratulations. Did you cross the trail of Eric Newby's Short Walk in the Hindu Kush in your approach to the peaks?
Hi Al!
This is Adab, writing from Afghanistan.
So, It's great you've reached home. Waiting for more pics!
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