Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Wetter today

The forecast showed a day of heavy showers but an early start meant that Vern, Helen and I were gearing up at the base of Styx Buttress Right Wall (VDiff) just as the rain was arriving. Not to be denied Vern headed off for his first lead climbing the route in 2 pitches. He got the driest of the weather and Helen coped really well smearing on wet mica schist! Good job guys.
Discretion being the better part of valour- after abseiling off and in heavier rain- we headed to the Ice Factor. Here we reviewed the ropework of the last 2 days and looked at climbing movement technique on slabs, vertical walls and overhangs. I gave the guys a few drills to help improve their footwork and to help encourage them to move their centre of gravity more effectively and we were all pleased with the result. Routes that baffled them 3 days ago became relatively easy by comparison... I love it when a plan comes together!

Thanks also to Derek for these 2 pics from the other day on the Buachaille.

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