Sunday, 3 October 2010

And finally part 3...

Though I'd put the 3rd part of the Afghan trip's video onto the blog. It was a superb trip with amazing people living their lives every day there. From Adab and Hayat, young, hardworking guys from Ishkashem with perfect English, determined to improve themselves and their country, to Telor- poorest of our horsemen but incredible resilient and keen to work hard for westerners to bring $ in for his family or Qachi Beg, with a 300 year old family home in Sarhad who personified the hospitality, kindness and generosity inate in the people we meant. I have made 40 expeditions to almost as many developing world countries but I've never been quite as humbled as by the people of the Wakhan Corridor.

Scottish Wakhan Expedition 2010- Part 3 Koh e Khar and the road home from Alan Halewood on Vimeo.

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