Friday, 8 October 2010

Autumn days

Ben Nevis with a morning nightcap of cloud first thing today.

In the last 2 days I've directed the second day of the SPA Training for Andy, Ian, Ali and Chris from the Ice Factor and worked with Bill, Gill and Rich on an Introductory Rock Climbing Assessment for students from UHI's Adventure Tourism Management Degree Course.

The pictures above show the SPA training course. We were looking at working with groups on crags at Polldubh on a dry but very blustery day.

The above shot and video below show the day for UHI. This was to assess the skills that Sally and Mike had developed over sessions with instructors on the 16th and 30th of September. At the same time I was introducing one of the 3rd year students, Graham, to the skills involved in teaching lead rock climbing. Sal and Mike have gone from almost no outdoor climbing experience to leading VDiff quite happily over the course so they were well ahead of the assessment criteria. This meant that we were soon able to move on and look at fine tuning their leading skills. We got a couple of multi-pitch routes in before the rain came on and it was time to abseil off and run away.

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