Sunday, 28 November 2010

Back from El Chorro to the snow

Whilst the UK has been experiencing the first throws of winter I’ve been in El Chorro for 5 days with some friends. Conditions there ranged from windy and sunny, to baking hot, to cold and misty. Fortunately the rain didn’t really kick in until we headed for the airport!
We climbed a number of good routes, single and multi-pitch from 5 to 6B+. Gill and I also went bolt to bolt on Poema De Roca, a steep 7A fortunately consisting solely of enormously juggy tufa.
We had a half day on the decrepit but fun Camino Del Rey too. We stayed at the excellent Olive Branch Hostel- a fantastic climber friendly place a short walk from many of the crags.
Sal and Adam being a fit pair each day began with a steep run- good training for the winter ahead!
Woke up early on Satyrday morning to snow in Kendal and went to join Sandy and Jane sledging in Keswick- he's a 2 year old nutcase. He will only go down in a sledge on his own and has to pull it up the hill again himself.

Sport climbing in El Chorro from Alan Halewood on Vimeo.

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