Monday, 7 March 2011

Winter skills day 1

First day of a Glenmore Lodge Intro. to Winter Skills today and we wanted to take advantage of the weather whilst it lasted so a mobile day was called for. We made our way up from the Cas carpark looking at kicking steps, using the axe for balance, cutting steps and crampons on the way to 1141. From there we headed up over Cairngorm and down into Ciste Mhearaidh where we investigated an old snowhole and used the walls of the mini coire to look at moving with the axe and crampons on steeper ground. Back down into the Cas Coire and down to the bus as the weather began to turn. Great first day from the team.
Lodge teams climbed lines to the left and right of Jacob's Ladder today reporting good icey snow again. Looking breezy tomorrow!

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