Saturday, 2 July 2011

Nice weather at last...

Today Rachel and Hannah were booked in for some navigation and hillwalking skills. We started by doing some navigation low level just outside of Fort William on orienteering maps. With the weather looking fine and eyes ever drawn to Ben Nevis I suggested we pick up some helmets and go for a wander on Ben Nevis. We navigated easily to the base of No. 5 Gully passing a pair on the first pitch of Centurion and as we started up Ledge Route another pair descended having already done the same route (the corner crack damp for the fingers as it often is but dry for bridging feet).
We topped out watching the RAF rescue Sea King hovering over Observatory Ridge. Best wishes to the lady who took a tumble, doesn't sound too bad but here's hoping for a swift recovery.
The girls and I made our way over to the pony track, down to the half way lochan and on towards Torlundy. On the way we discussed equipment and emergency procedures in case of a misfortune on the hill. All in all a lovely day out.

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