Saturday, 24 March 2012

Aaaaah Reiff

Warming up
In the zone aged 3 and 3/4
Dad's turn
Hi Brazil
Black Pig
Climbers on Tystie Slab
Some climbing venues just have an atomsphere....temenos I think the ancient Greeks called it. A 'sense of place'. Well for me Reiff is always associated with warm weather, great rock, sunshine and relaxing.
After arriving late last night Sandy was keen to do a little climbing and after warming up on a Diff managed his first Severe on a top rope and then climbed up the smeary slab in the middle of the main face on the pinnacle.
He and mum then went off to enjoy the strengthening sun leaving Isi and I to take in a few routes in the Pinnacle area and at Black Rocks and The Orange Walls. The rock in each of these areas is uniformly great to climb on and the weather only got better.
Then it was back to the Am Fhuaran Bar and their great campsite for dinner, beer and medals.
NOW it feels like spring has properly sprung.

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