Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Meall Cumhann ML Assessment

Today I was working for Mike at Abacus Mountaineering on the steep ground day of a Summer Mountain Leader Assessment. We parked up at the end of Glen Nevis and started down in Steall Gorge before passing through the meadow and up to complete the traverse of Meall Cumhann. The objective today was to assess the candidates approach to managing people on steep ground within the ML remit. We also had a riot of wild flowers, moss campion, yellow saxifrage, endless flowering butterwort and milkwort, common orchids and globeflowers. Good luck with the rest of your assessment guys.
 In the gorge
 emergency ropework
 choosing the line
 common spotted orchid
 butterwort flower
Finally take a look at this for a horror show. It was cloudy and cooler today but still quite muggy so there were a few midges around... but this is awful: smidge forecast.

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