Friday, 1 June 2012

Ben rock and the posts are no more

I’m on my way east tonight for a days work for the Mountain Training Association at Glenmore Lodge tomorrow followed by 2 days walking work in the Cairngorms. This meant that I still had time for a quick easy route on Ben Nevis today though. It was pretty grey as we walked in with cloud down to the CIC hut but as we approached it rolled back up revealing the summit and there were some good sunny spells. The Douglas Boulder and Tower Ridge saw lots of attention from parties today whilst we entertained ourselves with Raeburn’s Arete. An easy route but one with fine situations. We hit the first platform but didn’t have time to head up NE Buttress as I had a bus to catch. 
Also the MCofS released the following press release today: Ben Nevis Abseil Posts Removed The eight abseil posts leading down from the Carn Mor Dearg arête into Coire Leis on the north side of Ben Nevis have been removed. The majority of the poles had fallen into disrepair and were unsafe to use. The highest abseil post provided a useful navigation aid and is to be replaced by a two metre high cairn that will be constructed in the same style as the other navigation cairns which currently exist across the summit plateau. This cairn will mark the top of the obvious descent line into Coire Leis in poor visibility. The cairn will be constructed by the landowners - The John Muir Trust. The cairn is expected to be in place by the end of July 2012 and will be located at Grid Reference NN 17078 71000 The marker ‘flag’ and pole at the top of No. 4 Gully (a popular grade 1 descent route in winter) has been removed and is also going to be replaced with a two metre high navigation cairn. This work is also expected to be completed by the end of July 2012. For further information contact Heather Morning at The Mountaineering Council of Scotland on or 07788 861 431 or 01479 861 241.
Read more about the Number 4 Gully post here:
and here:

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