Friday, 29 March 2013

Aonach Mor in the sun.

Heading up Aonach Mor
 The summit
 Cornices at the Aonach Beag Col 
More raised footprints
 Heading for home
Second day of our winter skills pair and the team opted for the gondola again to maximise snow time. We went on a bit of a journey putting yesterday's skills into practise. Heading up Aonach Mor was hot but there was a very cool breeze on the summit. We headed on down to the Aonach Beag Col (you can still see plenty of ice on the N face of Aonach Beag- showing through the deposited snow) where there were large refrozen cornices on the easterly aspect. After a bite to eat we retrace our footsteps and had a bite to eat in the Pine Marten Cafe to discuss learning points from the last few days. 
Friends climbed the Split and Left Twin reportying good conditions with the ice just a little brittles in places from the cold. 
Off to Keswick for the weekend. Next week more climbing!!

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