Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Very civilised ice climbing

Day 2 for John and I and we walked from Nevis Range round the base of Sgurr Finnisg-aig to climb on the falls there. The storms of last week have done a huge amount of damage to the trees but the Forestry Commission have been hard at work clearing trails and roads.
The sun shone on us all day whilst showers ran through the glens to the north. The ice was good and gave us 5 good pitches of up to IV (top pitch a little hollow and booming but fine with care). Guy and Alan were just ahead of us enjoying the route too.
 John getting involved
 Sunshine in the Glen
 Our 3rd pitch
John showing the ice who is boss
 Alan seconding the final (crux) pitch
 Your turn soon John
Topping out to the sunshine
The civilised way to end a day's ice climbing- courtesy of the bar at Nevis Range

This winter I've been testing a couple of pack designs for the guys at Lowe Alpine and giving them feedback. I was initially a little sceptical of some of the features but have to admit I'm a convert. Unlike the sack I had previously these ones have proved durable, comfortable and useable!
Lowe Alpine have just updated their website to make it as user friendly as possible. Also watch that space for news of their clothing line soon!

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