Monday, 13 May 2013

Busy weekend MTB commute , chilly week!

 Dr. Ross Lorimer on Climber Centred Coaching
Eleanor Hopkins on Core exercises
Saturday I was at EICA for the first MCofS Coaching seminar. A good day with some interesting presentation and an enthusiastic group of coaches/aspirant coaches of all ages (some of us feeling quite old to have our problems dismissed as warmups by youngsters LOL :-).
Sunday I hopped on the bike from Glasgow's west end out to Mugdock Country Park where I ran a day to sign off some volunteers for East Dunbartonshre Councils Duke of Edinburgh program: risk assessments, communications, information cascades, emergency procedures, hazard awareness, good camping and stove practise and navigation at the Park and the Whangie (damp). To get back to the station for the train home I decided to drop through the park and then follow the Kelvin Way marked on the OS Map. Not a good idea with my semi slicks. The northern pat of the route is a narrow muddy rut on a slope into the river- my back end was all over the shop and my tyres were spinning in the mud. Much better going from Dawsholm Park into town (disdainful looks from the Glasgow shoppers taking trains home- me covered in mud spatter, dripping and leaving tracks on the station floor :-).
The snow has already crept down the hill from 600m to below 400m this morning BRRR.

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