Sunday, 6 July 2014

FUNdamentalism in Glasgow

I spent the weekend in Glasgow running FUNdamentals of Climbing courses for the MCofS. These days are about giving those introducing people into climbing some theoretical understanding and practical techniques to help them with beginners.
Saturday was at TCA Glasgow with emphasis on Long Term Participant Development theory, Agility Balance and Co-ordination, Warm ups, an introduction to how we use our Centre of Mass effectively on slabs or easy juggy verticals and hand and footholds.
Sunday I was at GCC and, after a review of F1 we moved onto steeper ground with more emphasis on the C of M interacting with the Base of Support on verticals and overhangs. We spent time looking at videos discussing how to make movements of climbers more economical and then spent time on straight arms, twisting, flagging, using opposing forces when bridging or lay backing, drop knees and egyptians.
Busy days and keen climbing coaches!
 Magnus on the warmup relay
 Agility, balance and co-ordination
 Pete really getting to know the hold
 Simon losing his head over hi base of support
 Centre of Mass and Base of Support
 Observation of other group members using Coaches Eye
 'Boxing clever'
What did we do today anyway?

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