Saturday, 9 August 2014

A great day teaching climbing in Lochaber

Today I was in glen Nevis with Ellie and Jim. Its been a while since Ellie climbed as she's been finishing her Doctorate and it was a first outdoor experience for Jim. After a detour to pick up some Smidge we arrived at Polldubh in a cloud of midges but the guys were amazed at how effective the miracle repellant was. I led a couple of pitches before letting Ellie get on the sharp end and as we made our way up the crags the sun started to appear and a wee breeze came out to dispel the bugs. Up in The Alp Ellie led Jim easily up the Gutter before abseiling off after a couple of pitches. Then we crossed our fingers as the first showers threatened and headed to Styx Buttress. Fortunately the rain held off and the sun reappeared to allow Ellie to lead the first pitch of Right Hand Route and then to let Jim take his first steps towards becoming an independent lead climber on the upper pitch. They arranged their own abseil off to finish a grand day out and I sent them off to get out climbing for themselves as much as possible, as soon as possible!

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