Wednesday, 26 November 2014

A' Chailleach

Today was my last day working with the ATMs from WHC on their Mountain Skills module and the ratios came down so we could go steep. Rich and I headed with a pair each to the South Ridge of A' Chailleach which neither of us had done before.
The initial crags were broken and damp (occupational hazard in november, rock never seems to dry properly) but gave lots of opportunity to introduce Kag and Rebecca to mountaineering ropework. higher up it got a little more interesting and I took over to lead us up the final exciting steps.
Stunning weather, this november has really been too kind to us. We need some snow!!!
 Heading to work
 A short walk to the start of the scrambling
 Kag in control
 Glencoe looking fine!
 Chilly sandwich stop
 Direct belay
 the steep bit
 No problem
 A82 now far below
 Rich's team going direct
 Top out… rope off
 Pretty good day out!
All 4 ATMs admiring Glencoe at its best
Cycle home not too shabby either!


  1. You cycled home along the A82 from Glencoe Al? Brave man!!!

  2. Hell no! I'm too young to die! That photo was passing through Caol on the way from Fort William to Corpach!
