Monday, 2 February 2015

Ice cragging today! Aaaah climbing :-)

After a loooong stint of work and a weekend 'recovering (with small children… really?' with the family it was great to get out today for myself with Steve.
We went to Beinn Udlaidh which was a new venue for him. A swift seat stomp in put us ahead of the other car/van loads so Steve got to experience Quartzvwin Scoop, the crag classic. We came down as most other teams were getting well up things and were again spoilt for choice. The Croc looked super, steep and blue. But as Steve started up it he was drenched within 4 m so we bailed right to Peter Pan which was dry…. er…. (wet gloves and funky chandeliers- solid, soggy, screwy fun). Lots of other teams and good to see Guy and John, Buzz, Jess plus 1 and Kenny and Paul and their partners plus various Guides and a PYB bus too.
Captions at

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