Friday, 2 October 2015

One of the best day's I've ever had out on Ben Nevis

I'll let the pics speak for themselves.
Ruairidh led Alan up- well done him given that he found Tower Ridge pretty mind blowing the first time I guided him up it.
Amazing weather conditions with Ben Nevis alone in a perfect cloud sea for much of the day!


  1. Fantastic to have such a day like that with clients.

  2. As a long time reader I have to say "wow"! I've wanted to climb Tower Ridge for a long time but this set of pictures has just made doubly determined to get it done sometime. Great photos.

  3. Thanks Andy, it was a lucky day! Al it'll always be there and it can be so different on different days but always worth doing!

  4. Looks great!!! On my list alan!!
