Monday, 2 November 2015

Climbing Coach Education

3 great days of involvement with the education of climbing coaches in Scotland.
On Saturday it was the MCofS Coaching Symposium at EICA. We had a good turn out and I especially enjoyed Ross's presentation on constraint led coaching and as ever John Kettle's practical session was full of useful reminders. I ran a short fairly ad hoc segment in the afternoon trying to get groups to design client centred coached sessions too.
 Its about them... not the coach
 Jon Jones running a workshop
 Getting dynamic
Sandy getting ready to headset the wall...
Towards a more constructivist approach to session design
Sunday be had a meeting of the MCofS FUNdas providers at EICA. This was a good chance to try to ensure we are singing from the same hymn sheet and to share some practical ideas for teaching. 
 MCofS FUNdas providers at work
Derek playing the triangle....s
Today I was working for Glenmore Lodge running a FUNdamentals 1 looking at the basics of movement on less than vertical ground, the use of hand and footholds and the importance of understanding Long Term Participant Development to climbing coaches. A great fun day in the new wall and the sun with a keen and varied team.
 The tape train
 Jen explains the game
 More devious warmups
 Let your fingers do the walking
 Ministry of silly walks
 How do you stand on one leg anyway?
 Centre of mass/gravity
 Improvising tools
 Precision and accuracy
 Quietly does it
 Cork traverse
 Where does the foot go?
 Name that hold
 The mono
 Just call him 'Gaston'
 Sarah learning the hold
 Paul getting to grips with it
Jen getting him in a spin!

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