Saturday, 28 November 2015

Coaching, updates and travel

I'm on the road a lot at the moment and have just spent 2 great days in Manchester. The first was at the velodrome (errr.... wow, I'd need a belay to ride at the top of that incline) with Providers of the Mountain Training Coaching Awards scheme. We were getting together to discuss experiences of the first phase of the Awards and to ensure we are pitching things at a common standard as well as discussing the future. Great to sit in a room with such a vast and varied experience of coaching, climbing and the 2 together and thanks to British Cycling for hosting us.
Yesterday we moved to the BMC Offices to meet with peers from their FUNdas Provider Team as an MCofS provider. Discussions ranged from marketing, accessibility, terminology and content to Quality Assurance. Again a phenomenal amount of experience in the room and lots for me to learn.
Worksop and Sheffield next!
 Martin Chester running a whole day sat in 1 room that remind engaging throughout- now that's a rare skill!
 Training at the velodrome
A part of the BMX track

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