Sunday, 13 December 2015

Magic day for mountaineering in Lochaber

I lured Carl into a day out today for a little leg exercise. Although we've both worked around Lochaber for many, many years neither of us had ever done the East Ridge of Carn Dearg Mheadhonach so today was the day. The walk in was steady, plenty of crusty snow and hidden boulder fields some ice slabs but non stop chat made the time fly by. The Ridge itself is a great line and with almost no wind and beautiful light the only thing to worry about was a little loose rock. Views to Schiehallion one way, the isle of Rum in another and across to the North Face when we topped out were all superlative but I was glad not to be wading in Observatory Gully or Coire na Ciste today. Lots of white in view but most of it is fluff!
The East Ridge of Carn Dearg Mheadhonach in sight
Carl breaking trail
Gaining height
Great line
Taking the steeps as directly as we could
The classic shot
Last col
Last climb
First view of the North Face of Ben Nevis

Topping out
 A bite to eat
 Happy days!

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