The rain wasnt quite as torrential this morning so Willie and I headed for Ben Nevis. We paused to admire the CIC building site - there is some quality craftsmanship going into the new 'wing'. We saw Alan Kimber and his client stopping off for a brew on their way to Ledge Route but with a forecast of worsening weather we pressed on to Tower Ridge. It wasn't too windy and although the rock was wet it never rained too hard on us. Despite the mist and the moisture it is difficult not to enjoy a day out on this cracking ridge - the rock was a little greasy but the glimpses off of the side of the ridge made it all quite atmospheric. The poor visibility didn't seem to deter the hordes on the tourist path, following the line of carefully crafted cairns across the plateau, either. It also seemed to be a day for dog walking as we passed 6 on the way down- we made it to the car just in advance of the heavier rain.
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