Friday, 30 October 2009

Climbing Wall in East Lothian

I've spent the last 2 days with staff from East Lothian Leisure Department helping them get to grips with indoor climbing. When the council built a new football pavillion the put a small but well designed climbing wall into the builidng but up until now they haven't had the staf to utilise it. So I've helped them create a site specific award scheme for their staff. Over 2 days we have looked at introducing and improving their personal climbing as well as talking about how they could utilise the wall with different types of groups, problem avoidance and solving, group management, teaching basic skills like belaying and tying on and monitoring existing climbers who may want to use the facilty independently. This was the training stage of the scheme and all of those involved will now go away and gain further experience of personal climbing and shadow instructors with NGB qualifications before coming back for an assessment. It was a fun 2 days with a keen team well motivated and anxious to learn.


  1. Big thanks from all the staff Alan it was a really enjoyable couple of days training

  2. Course was great. Really enjoyed the 2 days. looking forward to more climbing.
