Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Ice Factor yesterday and Tower Ridge today

Yesterday was a wet day and I was glad to be inside observing and training staff at the Ice Factor. We also looked ahead to winter when the centre's client base changes from mostly tourists to visiting winter climbers and I did a presentation to junior staff introducing the skill sets needed by winter walkers/mountaineers and climbers to start them thinking about who they will be dealing with in winter.
Last night there was a big team in the basement tooling wall: Kev, Dave, Mike, Donald and the Nevisport Crew spurring each other onto wilder and wilder moves (and tearing holds clean out of the wall!).
This afternoon I'm off to the Central Belt for 4 days: 2 doing some site specific training days for a wall in East Lothian, 2 running an SPA Assessment. I'm back in off the hill just now after a quick trip up Tower Ridge in the rain (3 hours 10 Torlundy to Torlundy) as part of my own training for the winter ahead.

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