Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Day 3; A return to winter!

Windy (but not as bad as yesterday) with snow down at Glenmore Lodge this morning. I took the team into Sneachda. There was evidence of windslab on a variety of aspects, especially to the right of the Goat Track. We headed to the 'flat ice' beneath Fiacaill Buttress to build on the groups skills on crampons in a bit more of a structured way and looked at self belay techniques with an axe. We made a snow profile and on the strength of that picked a careful line up to the col on the Fiacaill Ridge and down the other side. Coming back round the base of the ridge we found a spot to look at self arrest for a short period.
Snow and wind throughout the day with more forecast. More snow at Glenmore tonight too.

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