Thursday, 10 March 2011

Let it snow.

Glenmore Lodge Winter Skills days 3 and 4 from Alan Halewood on Vimeo.

Heavy rain and gales at Glenmore Lodge last night translated to deep windblown snow on the hill this morning. We decided to use the morning looking at issues of weather and avalanche when planning a hill day and then my team and I looked at some slightly more advanced navigation techniques. After lunch we went out to face the weather... just as it abated a little. This let us finish our self arrest session begun yesterday and review our stepping, slipping, sliding and stopping. As we came out of the Ciste the weather picked up s little again so we took shelter in a well made igloo until the other team arrived again. Last day of the course tomorrow and then I'm back home to the hills of Lochaber for the remainder of the season.

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