Friday 24 May 2013

Hot, sunny rock climbing in Lochaber

The dusting of snow on the hill today melted in front of our eyes as the sun shone and we sweated in its reflection off of the mica schist on Polldubh.
Alan and Ruairidh and I climbed Pinnacle Ridge (by its staircase start), 3 Pines, Spike Wall and Flying Dutchman Direct to give 10 pitches of V Diff to VS.
And it was hot... and sunny... :-)
 Our second pitch on Pinnacle Ridge
 Ruairidh topping out on Pinnacle Ridge
 Crux behind him in the sun
 Looking down the first pitch of 3 Pines
 following on 3 Pines
 Spike Wall Pitch 1
 Spike Wall Pitch 2
 Father and daughter team on The Gutter
 Flying Dutchman...
 ...and its Direct Finish
 Alan on the last slab
Topping out on Flying Dutchman Direct
Back near the car we saw Bill and Alex hard at work (could be mistaken for sunbathing by the uninitiated) watching their groups river crossing on a Summer ML Training.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alan,thanks for the mention and pic.This was my daughters 1st multi pitch route.Thank god the sun stayed out and midges stayed away,oh and endless sweets for Zoe.Cheers Andy Bain.

Bill said...

Sunbathing indeed......tsk tsk!

Alan said...

Hi Andy, drop me an email and I'll send you a full resolution copy. Good on her for the route. It was my wee lad's first too.
Bill ;-)