Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Chasing rainbows with students

Out with the ATM students from UHI doing some hill skills in practise for their exec tomorrow. Today was clothing, nutrition, navigation and natural history.
 Oops! You'ld better fix that!
 Nathan's stable table- avoiding getting those trousers any grubbier!
 Someone's maths needs some serious work!
 Kag getting her Erica Cinera and her Erica Tetralix sorted
 Nathan telling the tractor joke (i'd sooner have my ears syringed with a red hot poker then swilled out with acid and finally cut off and buried in a dung heap than have to hear it again!)
 Kag deciding Fort William looks pretty good from this angle
 Autumn sunbeams
 Another leg to plan
 Taste the rainbow!
 Chasing rainbows!
The whole of the rainbow!

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