Tuesday, 18 November 2014

No winter so still rock climbing!

Today Steve and I decided to risk a quick day in Glen Nevis. Thee was no rain forecast but that means title at this time of year and as we got out of the car sure enough a heavy shower set in. We went to the Alp and swung leads on The Gutter in our trainers. The higher rock was in the breeze and drying so we headed up to Secretaries Direct. The first pitch (the paddy, slabby bit) was a little damp (always fun on smeary mica schist) but we were lucky to only get a wee shower and enjoyed 4 pitches of great rock on what must be the best Severe in Glen Nevis, even taking some harder variations towards the Super Direct on pitch 3.
 Top pitch of The Gutter
 Steve removing gear
 Secretaries Direct P2
 Steve catching Autumn rays
Topping out

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