Friday 24 April 2015

4 days in the Lakes pt 1

Bill and Sandy and I had been planning to attend a training event this week that we were all invited to but when it was cancelled we took the opportunity to go climbing.
I joined them heading to the Lakes on Monday where after dropping the gear at The Climbers Club Hut in Grange we headed for Shepherds to make best use of the remaining time. The well polished Borrowdale volcanic rock is a far cry from Ardnaumrchan Gabbro as well as being a bit steeper and Adam felt a bit of a pull whilst Ardus was a walk by comparison.
 Bill getting steep on Adam 
 Sandy fighting his floating feet
A walk on Ardus
Day 2 and the weather was as glorious as predicted and we headed to Gimmer Crag. Lichen Grooves was the warm up route (it was right above us when we opened the Guide) and better than the name might suggest. A quick abseil took us down to the gear and a shuffle left saw us Kipling Grooves- the last pitch of which I found 'Rudy-'Ard' indeed! The day ended appropriately with a beer in the ODG- how else?
 Bill on P2 of Lichen Grooves
 Composed on the belay
 looking down the Lichen Chimney
 Not a bad day
 Sandy commits to the undercling pitch
 And then a wee pull to...
 …a very wee stance for 2 big chaps!
 Heading down
 End of the day
 Roadside cragging… by Scottish standards!
The way to end the day!

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