Wednesday, 30 September 2015

A change is as good as a rest- Castle Ridge

Working for UHI today I ended up with Cameron and Rob for a mountain day. Both are summer ML Trainees and Cam has a lot of personal climbing and mountaineering experience. Rob has done plenty of scrambling but not a lot with a rope. The forecast? Immaculate!
We headed in to Ben Nevis to check Cams mountaineering ropework and introduce Rob to some for his personal skills. We took the opportunity to botanise and geologise our way around and descended Ledge Route discussing the limits of the ML Award (and offering advice to some slightly misplaced scramblers).
It was hot. In fact even though its so late in the year that the N Face was mostly in the shade today it was even hot in the shade (perfect for the climbers on Centurion and Bullroar). After yesterday's wee beasting my legs were heavy and the heat didn't make it any easier. I'm not complaining though! I'll take days like today whenever I can get them!
Castle Ridge is the right-hand lump and the ridge faces the camera

Scurvy Grass, Ladies Mantle and 3 types of Sorrel
 A strong stance for Cam
 Rob getting onto the Ridge
The first Crux
Rob following
 Nearing the second Crux
 Cam ready for the chimney
A belay from Rob
 Seconding with the whole face below
 The 'fun' bit
 No worries
 A runner for Cam
Rum and Skye visible
 Looking down to Mull
 Topped out, now a wee walk in the sun before a descent of Ledge Route!

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