I learned 2 things yesterday (to be fair, I already new both of them but obviously needed reminding): Firstly if you are not well (I caught a stinking cold in the rain and NWerly wind last weekend) dont go and push yourself climbing, secondly, dont forget to warm up no matter how keen you are. Guy and I went to Erraid- tempted by Gary Latter's excellent new Scottish Rock Guide Vol. I (http://www.pesdapress.com/product_info.php?cPath=1_25&products_id=25) for the day, on Mull. Lovely place and perfect granite but steep (I need to train more at the wall obviously)- the short routes pack a real punch. I jumped onto a nice HVS and was pumped for the rest of the day! Having a head cold probably didnt help with my recovery and after a fall or two I was forced to calm down a little and stick to easier grades (still struggled to find anything only vertical though!). We climbed Bacteria Soup (S), Smelly Mussels (HVS), One Dead Puffin (HVS), Goupher Hole (VS), Misunderstanding (VS), Blood Orange (S), Oliver (VS), Elephants (VS) and Panther (S). The setting is superb, right above a lovely sandy beach and the rock rough and clean (plenty of nicks and cuts) with lots of birds and flowering plants (Stonecrops, Harebells and sweet smeeling Thyme) around. I'll be doing some work on my crack climbing skills (something most Scots have never had a flair for) before I return though!
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