Thursday, 16 February 2012

A spring day??

It started a bit murky in the Cairngorms today but was fine and pleasant by the end of the day. The clear vis gave me a chance to see how sorry for themselves the climbing and ski areas are looking (although to be fair the easier gully lines in Sneachda look pretty complete if thin and icey). We could do with some cold and some snow.
Day 4 of the Glenmore Lodge Winter ML Training was a mountain journey to put all the tools looked at yesterday into context and look at decision making. My group navigated into the little 'hidden' coire between Fiacaill a Coire an t Sneachda and Coire an Lochain. Here we looked at confidence roping and put a couple of pitches in to get out up the coire head wall.
Then it was over to the top of 'point 5' the wee gully left of the Goat Track to look at preparing the edge where there was a bit of a wind lip and descent by stomper and snow bollard.
We were joined by some brave folk who had decided to wander down the gully all tied onto one rope.... rather them than me!
Off on the mini break tomorrow.... now where shall we go snow holing?


Dave K said...

Spring? Can we have winter first?

Alan said...

Might get a wee blast on saturday bud.