Thursday 5 December 2013

Slide shows and navigation

On tuesday night I gave a slide show on our expedition to Afghanistan at the Nevis Centre. Over 50 folk turned out and the show was to raise money for Lochaber MRT and the UHI Mountaineering Club. Thanks to those who came along and laughed politely at the incident of the vomit filled shoe!
Lat night was pretty wild. Snapped trees, the Corpach Co-op roof flying off, thunder, lightning hail and torrential rain. It being recycling bin day today there were blue bins, cardboard and plastic scattered for miles around amongst the branches torn from the trees.
Today I was working with some of the ACOL students reviewing their navigation and hill skills. With the weather as it was (squally hail and gales) we took the orienteering maps to Torcastle and stayed low level this morning before planning their expedition route for next week.
The Ben looks a little whiter but pretty blasted by the winds.
 Storm blasted Ben Nevis
 Lochaber with a dusting of snow
Anther hail shower

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