We took Sandy up the Gutter (Diff) when he was two. Kaye is a bit younger at not quite two and we decided that Scimitar Ridge, the roadside Grade 2 scramble in Glen Nevis would make a sunny morning out and not too strenuous, especially since everyone except me is recovering from one illness or another. A nice wee family jaunt, and I managed to squeeze in time for a wee solo too and a bike ride home from the Glen!
Starting up

Kaye following

She's a natural
Sandy going steeper
'Daddy, is this crab cross loaded?'
Important chocolate break time
Mini mountaineer

Nearly at the top

Family summit selfie

Break time
Cheeky wee solo for dad!
Can I ask what Harness you are using with your little one? My little girl is 2 this month and I want to start taking her out climbing. She already loves jumping onto my bouldering mat from the rocks!
Also it looks like your little girl is wearing a bike helmet? I guess its just as good at that age and saves having a different helmet when they are growing so fast.
Its a Petzl Ouistiti http://www.petzl.com/en/outdoor/full-body-harnesses/ouistiti but the DMM TOmkitten looks good too http://dmmclimbing.com/products/tom-kitten/.
Yes it is a bike helmet. The route we were on has little chance of impact from above and although the bike helmet isn't deigned for climbing I'd rather have a helmet giving protection from unexpected swings or stumbles that fits. Al
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