Friday 5 September 2014

Notching up another day on the notched ridge

Back to the Aonach Eagach today with Elizabeth, Mike and Dave working for Steve Fallon again today. The forecast looked spot on this morning- dank, driech and with vis of about 20m atop Meall Dearg and we met one walker turning back from the first munro muttering that he didn't think it would clear. But the forecast also mentioned improving weather and I was delighted as first the breeze began to stir and then rock dried off a little before we caught our first views to the north. By the time we hit the far end of the ridge the mist was almost gone and we descended via field of lovely grass of parnassus to a stunning late afternoon for our pint in the Clachaig.
 A driech beginning
 More promising
 No bother
 Bidean nam Bian
 Clearing off
 A figure in the distance
 A proper view back up Glencoe
 The Aonach Eagach
 Lone mountaineer
Grass of Parnassus

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