Friday 19 September 2008

Same route, different way

I had a strop with the BBC weatherman this morning as he waxed lyrical for several minutes about how dry a weekend it was going to be before mentioning as an aside that it would rain in the 'far northwest' of Scotland. Well, at least he was right - it was a pretty wet day on Ben Nevis. Rob from last weekend was back with his son Gavin. He wanted to have a look at mountaineering ropework as well as builiding on his rock climbing skills from last Sunday. So we went to Tower Ridge. Rather than me guiding as I have been doing a lot recently I spent the day helping Rob learn how to do it for himself. The guys did very well making short work of the Ridge given the very wet weather.
We didnt hang around unlike the marshalls for the local triathalon today. Well done to those who swam Loch Linnhe, put in their miles on the bikes and then ran up The Ben and back down again!

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