There was no one on Green Gully so that became our route for the day. The snow on the surface was a little rotten and the ice trickling with water but still plenty to climb. Kenny who did Tower Ridge (in fine conditions) said that from the looks of people backing off things around Indicator Wall that climbs there don't seem to be in good condition however. With the thaw after a cold winter there was also lots of loose rock around, especially near the belays at the top of pitches 2 and 3 on Green Gully- even polished nut cracks may be behind blocks that have only been being held in place by ice so take care.
We topped out into sunshine and enjoyed a slide down the Red Burn. Unfortunately Andy lost his Blackberry around here. Should anyone happen across it in the next day or two we'd be very grateful to hear from you.
Another sunny day tomorrow but all change for me as I'll be clipping bolts!
Looks like a great day was had by all Alan, I'm jealous sat here working, longing to get on some white stuff before it's all gone.
What software do you use to edit your pics/video Alan and also, what was the music on the Green gully video - good stuff.
Hi jimdog. Glad you like it. I use windows moviemaker- not the most versatile package but simple and intuitive and it came with the laptop! The music is from Mumford and Sons' first (and only so far) album- more good stuff on there.
Thanks Alan.
I have used that software before and it's okay as you say.
Thanks also for the heads-up on the music, I'll have to check them out.
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