Sunday 16 January 2011

Rjukan first day of climbing

Mo, Emma and I went to Ozzimossis today with Heather, Mark and their teams. We did half a dozen routes and the guys worked on their footwork, tool placement and placing and removing screws. It started quiet but by lunchtime was very busy with Aussies, Spaniards, locals (including wee kiddies) and us. Plenty of ice but much of the easier angled stuff was quite buried. Back in the the huts I cooked fish and now everything the Instructor team owns has a unique fishy odour..... oops..... still its better than Mark's socks or George's farts!
That's the straight blog... for the inside story see Di's blog!

Rjukan 15 Jan 11 from Alan Halewood on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Dave Gibson said...

Only a week to go! Looks fantastic. Thanks for the blog Alan. Hope it all goes well. cheers, David