Friday 13 June 2014

A last meeting and Stanage

Very productive meeting with our southern colleagues on the future of the FUNdamentals awards. Longer blog post on all that but thanks to Dave Binney, Katherine Schirmacher, Jon Garside of the BMC, Dave Evans from PYB, Guy Jarvis from Undercover Rock and of course Jon Jones from Glenmore Lodge who I was representing the MCofS with. It was great to spend a couple of days at the (relatively) new Awesome Walls in Sheffield a great facility with a very friendly, helpful staff team.
AND we managed to grab 3 very quick routes for me at Stanage. It was about 24 Degrees and I was feeling baked so we grabbed April Crack, Trinity Right Hand and Flying Buttress from amongst the crowds. Definitely all a bit easier than Millstone yesterday. Then it was off to Kendal for an overnight with friends and now back to Scotland. Mountaineering and climbing work to come from Sunday!
Flying Buttress 

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