Tuesday 10 June 2014


I met Jon in Glasgow at lunchtime today and we headed down through some heavy thunder showers to Sheffield where we have some work/meetings for the next couple of days. We met up with Paul for a brew to give it time to dry and headed for Burbage North for me to break my gritstone cherry ('What? Never climbed on grit before?'- No. I live somewhere with multi pitch rhyolite, gabbro, granite, mica schist, sandstone, gneiss. conglomerate and basalt all within a couple of hours drive so I've never felt the need to come south just for a grit trip- but I knew I'd get on it eventually).
So we soloed and climbed a selection of routes from Mod to HVS 5b. On the latter I got my ass handed to me by a fierce overhung, jamming crack into a heel hook rock over beast of a thing called Wednesday Climb. Great fun even if it did take hauling from above and power screaming through 10 tries for me to get up it. Schooled by the grit :-)

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